2023 Spring Game Market - Tokyo
Tanuki Games is very excited to be attending the 2023 Spring Game Market in Tokyo Japan! We are doing our best to bring back as many games as we can to share with our customers.
On this page linked below, you will find listings for many games that we are intending to bring back from Japan. For now, we are accepting reservations for these games. We are not taking payment for these reservations. These reservations are not guaranteed, nor are you required to follow through with them. We are using them to gauge interest, and give first priority to those who do put reservations in.
We also do not yet know the price of any of these games. When we return from Japan the week of May 15th we will update all listings with prices and quantities, and get in touch with those who put in reservations.
We have worked very hard the last few months to make this possible, so we hope you are as excited about this as we are!
A big THANK YOU to all of the Japanese publishers that have been willing to share their creations with us.
Click the image below to see all the games we (hope to) have available.