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Experienced nature observers bravely roam the area in
search of plants, animals and various curiosities. They
eagerly use their knowledge - in the meadows, among the
grasses, they can spot small rodents, and since they are
here, maybe a buzzard, a fox or even a viper will appear in a

Meadow is a board game in which players take the role of
wanderers watching nature. Equipped with a map, they
stroll through the picturesque surroundings, looking for
inspiration and capturing breathtaking views. Players are
driven by passion and curiosity, but also by competition for
the title of the keenest nature observer! It will be awarded to
whoever scores the most points from the observed species
of animals and plants, landscapes and souvenirs collected
from the hike. Competition continues by the fire, where
players compete in achieving the goals of their expeditions.

• Meadow is a drafting and set
collection game that offers a new
twist on these tried-and-true
mechanics. Players may only draft
cards they’re able to select using
the tokens they have available.
Adding cards to their set becomes
more complex as they play as some
cards may require prerequisites in
their set in order to collect them.

• Meadow’s elegant design is easy to
learn. However, it offers depth in
restricting what players can draft to
what tokens players have available
to use and what locations have
already been taken by other players.
This allows for more complex
decision making when playing with
skilled players.


1 main board, 2 two-sided campfire boards, 2 block tokens, 184 cards, 12 goal
tokens, 20 path tokens, 12 bonus tokens, 28 road tokens, 1 solo play game
token, first player token, 5 envelopes with additional cards, round marker, 4
color markers, 4 foldable deck holders, 1 rulebook, 1 card index, 1 deck holder
assembly instructions